Carnival Games For Hire

Roll Up Roll Up! Enjoy all the fun of the fair with Northern Rivers NSW's best sideshow games for hire, where everyone's a winner on these classic fairground attractions.

No fair, festival, fete or funfair is complete without the fun and excitement of sideshow alley, and the bright, colourful games of skill and chance. Step right up and try your luck!

Funfair Amusements

Bust A Balloon - Lucky Ducks - Laughing Clowns

No fete, fair or festival's sideshow alley is complete without the colour and magic of the ever popular carnival games.

Available for hire in the NSW Northern Rivers area, Funfair's Carnival Games provide awesome entertainment where all ages can enjoy the excitement and fun of playing games and winning fantastic prizes.

Funfair Sideshow Games for hire Northern Rivers